What BK doesn 't reveal is that he 's obsessed with a certain app that makes holes appear in the ground, and that he 's earning points with everything he collects in a hole. Mira notices the silence immediately, and BK euphemistically explains that he shut the goose up by "delivering a donut. As more and more objects fall into the hole, it gets big enough to envelop the goose man and make him disappear into the earth below. This is where the player takes control, opening up their first hole in the ground. When Mira complains about a loudly honking goose delivery man outside her window, BK swears to avenge her-and he quickly makes good on his word. She 's texting her friend and coworker, a mischievous raccoon named BK, who 's super bored at the town donut shop where they work. The game opens with its only human character, Mira. The hole starts off small, but every time something falls in, the hole grows, until it 's big enough to consume a whole character, or a boulder, or a skyscraper.Īlone, that premise would probably be enough to keep me entertained for a while, but it 's made much richer by its surrounding story. You control a strange hole in the ground, and your goal is to make everything in the level plummet into that hole. ( Donut County via Annapurna Interactive)ĭonut County is built around one core concept. The game was developed by Ben Esposito and published by Annapurna Interactive, which also gave us great titles like What Remains of Edith Finch and Florence. After getting the chance to preview Donut County at E3, I was given a review key last week, and I haven 't been disappointed. Thank you so much for reading.I 've been following the progress of a brilliant game called Donut County for years, and it 's finally coming out this week on Aug. And so, Flotsam receives the chilled out seal of approval. I look forward to coming back to this one again once it has been fully released. I hope that the minor bugs are worked out during the early access period because it is otherwise a really fun and addictive experience. Overall I found Flotsam to be a very enjoyable game that really caught my attention and reeled me in. Though perhaps if the AI issues were rectified this would be less of a problem. It would also be helpful to set a certain task, such as a building’s construction, to a high priority so that the drifters who are set to construction drop everything and deal with that. Some minor things that I hope will be addressed are that if you place a structure in the wrong place you have to wait for one of your drifters to start building it before you can deconstruct it. Hopefully a little more story will be added with time. Currently there is no end to the game, when you reach the end of the map you are looped back around to the start again. As the game is still in early access I imagine that a few aspects of the game will be altered over time and new features added. Usually these issues can be fixed by reloading your save but it is a bit annoying. The game is still in early access so I always expect a few bugs, but it can be incredibly frustrating when you are out of food and there is raw fish and firewood sitting in the Fish Kabob and none of the drifters are doing anything about it. Most of the time it works great, but occasionally something goes wrong and no one will use a certain structure or they will become stuck in an action. My main issue with Flotsam is the drifters’ AI. Also, it looks like we’ve got another game breaching the Geneva Convention. Even when they’re sleepy they’re still having a great time.

The designs of the drifters themselves are also really cute. It’s really colourful and fun and just makes me happy. The marimba sounds are very relaxing and build up those nautical vibes.įlotsam has a vibrant, cell-shaded visual style that I really enjoyed, and I love the haphazard, build-it-out-of-whatever-we-have style for the buildings in your town. You always have something that needs your attention, but most problems can be rectified with little stress.As you play your ears will be treated to a beautiful score. It puts you under just the right amount of pressure so that very rarely do you feel like you can just sit back and let the game run itself.

Flotsam’s gameplay is very well balanced. There are some short guidebook pages that pop up to show you the ropes so hopefully it won’t leave you feeling too adrift.